Detail hlášky #28125
<a> a co vlastne jeste musis udelat?
<b> ten preklad... jako lehce se to prelozi ale nez to napisu - /cry
<a> lol
<a> pouzij google translator
<a> "Vy uvidet vibrujici barvy!"
<a> co mas vlastne prelozit?
<b> Hammerfall - The fallen one:
<b> I saw your face in the morning sun
<b> Oh, I thought you were there
<b> I heard your voice as the wind passed me by
<b> Silently, whispering my name
<b> So many things that I wanted to say
<b> Forever left untold
<b> I still remember the tears that you shed
<b> Over someone else
<b> Our love could never die
<b> All I can do is cry
<b> Save a little prayer for the fallen one
<b> There is a light down at memory lane
<b> Slowly fading away
<b> Still holding on to the dreams torn apart
<b> I will follow my heart
<b> Our love could never die
<b> All I can do is cry
<b> Save a little prayer for the fallen one
<b> Still on my own, chasing the sun
<b> Of a time long ago
<b> The shade in my heart, tearing apart
<b> Everything that I long for
<b> Still on my own, chasing the sun
<b> Of a time long ago
<b> The shade in my heart, tearing apart
<b> Everything that I long for
<b> I saw your face in the morning sun
<b> Oh, I thought you were there
<b> I heard your voice as the wind passed me by
<b> Whispering my name
<b> Our love could never die
<b> All I can do is cry
<b> Save a little prayer for the fallen one
<a> hm
<a> to by vyslo asi takhle:
<a> Our love could never die
<a> All I can do is cry
<a> Save a little prayer for the fallen one
<a> nase laska mohla nikdy zemrit
<a> vsechno ja mohu delat je brecet
<a> zachrante malou modlitbu pro toho co spadl
<b> :D
<a> OMG
<a> a ted doopravdy:
<a> Naše láska nikdy zemřít
<a> Vše co můžeme udělat, je křik
<a> Uložit trochu modlitba za jedno poklesl
<a> O_o
<a> schvalne to tam zadej fakt to vyplodi tohle
Komentář: Google translator ma jeste mouchy.
Informace o hlášce
Datum přidání: | 21. 1. 2009 |
Kategorie: | Hlášky |
Autor: | Bosf (63 hlášek) |
Hlasování: | 2 pro a w3m, oOJoKeROo, Beezer, Ptolemaios, miloso, Hammer, Danny991, simply_v, Witek, barney33, Danik02, teye, Skay, wegas, jozki, kuras, freaky_tomato, Montechito, tristaver, Maty991, kbtmichal, TolSinion, yannush, Mysharr, Somzmeteny, Hamagen, Kogaku, Vevoda_Wolf, Deianeira, Zelvi, Marty008cz, Psycho_O, Vincent, Haja024, Coolak 102 proti |
V oblíbených: | Žádný uživatel |
Oblíbenost: | 0,53 % |
Stav: | Má záporné skóre |

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