Hlášky uživatele „topic“
<Ona> neumim si predstavit nic lepsiho co muze clovek delat .. myslim ve volnem case :)
<Ona> krome sexu a mazleni mozna ...
<On> ehm, kontrolovat logy?
Komentář: /var/log/syslog
<a> Miláčku, napiš mi něco, z čeho zčervenám a budu na to myslet celej den :-*
<b> Spapej čilipapričku
Komentář: Odpověď: Počkej až budeš ty nadrženej a budeš na mě dělat oči!
<a> Proč si ženy myslí, že nejsou stavěné k vaření...
<a> Proč teda v sobě mají mlíko a vejce?
<martinus> pokere ty jsi zkurveny zmrd a tvoje moc uz je davno v prdeli
<Sroubek> vsak ono se to tu procisti a bude klid a prostor pro normalni lidi
<martinus> nejake dalsi otazky blbecku?
<martinus> nebo pujdes nekam praskat?
<vacicak> george a to jak se tu vyjadruje martinus je podle tebe co? to je normalni chovani?
<martinus> vacicaku zavri mornu
<George> to je riesenie interneho problemu s byvalim teamom
<vacicak> pokud je normalni ze se tak chova clen OG tak se tak muzou chovat ostatni
<poker10> George: vidim ze si oboznameny. dufam ze to dobre prifarbili
-!- mode/#elmore [+b vaciak] by martinus
-!- vacicak was kicked from #elmore by martinus
<martinus> kampak nam zmizel blbecek vacicak?
<martinus> POSER: zdechni
-!- mode/#elmore [+b poker10] by martinus
-!- poker10 was kicked from #elmore by martinus
<George> martinus: predbehol si ma :((((
-!- Anon2728 has joined #elmore
<martinus> nnejake dalsi dalsi otazky?
<JohnyCage> martinus, jo ja jednu mam co te opravnuje se vulgarne vyjadrovat na tomto kanalu
<martinus> cokoliv
-!- mode/#elmore [+b JohnyCage] by martinus
-!- JohnyCage was kicked from #elmore by martinus
-!- mode/#elmore [+b Anon2728] by martinus
-!- Anon2728 was kicked from #elmore by martinus
-!- Anon66328 has joined #elmore
-!- mode/#elmore [+b Anon66328] by martinus
-!- Anon66328 was kicked from #elmore by martinus
-!- Anon34821 has joined #elmore
-!- mode/#elmore [+b Anon34821] by martinus
-!- Anon34821 was kicked from #elmore by martinus
<Bux> martinus gilbey mi tu pise pmka o tobe nic pekneho
<gilbey> coze?
<Bux> se bojis co
<Zajda> me taky
-!- mode/#elmore [+b gilbey] by martinus
-!- gilbey was kicked from #elmore by martinus
Komentář: Rozlobeny admin :) btw gilbey za celou dobu nerekla absolutne nic :-D
-!- mode/#elmore [+b Aralyon] by martinus
-!- mode/#elmore [-b Aralyon] by ChanServ
-!- Aralyon has joined #elmore
-!- mode/#elmore [+b Aralyon] by martinus
-!- mode/#elmore [-b Aralyon] by ChanServ
-!- Aralyon has joined #elmore
-!- mode/#elmore [+b Aralyon] by martinus
-!- mode/#elmore [-b Aralyon] by ChanServ
-!- Aralyon has joined #elmore
-!- mode/#elmore [+b Aralyon] by martinus
-!- mode/#elmore [-b Aralyon] by ChanServ
-!- Aralyon has joined #elmore
-!- mode/#elmore [+b Aralyon] by martinus
-!- mode/#elmore [-b Aralyon] by ChanServ
-!- Aralyon has joined #elmore
-!- mode/#elmore [+b martinus] by martinus
-!- martinus has left #elmore [Leaving]
Komentář: Aneb novy admin nevydrzel spiknuti... bohuzel nevedel ze Aralyon ma stale prava na IRC... onlinegamers.cz #elmore