Hlášky hodnocené kladně uživatelem „Matesss“
<Plnt> macros zacina bejt na tech gamesach dobre zavislej.. :)
<D-Evil> mno nevim jestli dobre, ale zavislej jo :)
<macros> :]
<macros> vite co, zejo?
<Plnt> vime .. mel by ses jit lecit :)
<macros> viditelne nevite
<macros> takze vam to musim rict
<macros> dete do prdele
<macros> :)
Komentář: #czf@czfree.net
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [+b *!Overseer@*.33.16.50] by a|away
<a|away> tyve, proc me ten tvuj bot nema rad?!
<a|away> Virnik: ?
-!- mode/#hell [-ob a|away *!Overseer@*.33.16.50] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
<Virnik> a|away: zmen si nick kurwa
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
<Virnik> dej si ho zpet
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- a|away is now known as neo1
-!- mode/#hell [-o neo1] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o neo1] by TheBug
-!- neo1 is now known as a
-!- mode/#hell [-o a] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a] by Overseer
-!- TheBug has quit [Killed (Virnik (die))]
Komentář: Valka botu
<a> nuda
<cyner> tyve
<cyner> to uz je jak xchat.cz
<cyner> tam taky dycky prijdou do mistnosti
<cyner> 10 minut tam idlujou
<cyner> reknou nuda
<cyner> a dou pryc.. :)
<a> ja pryc nejdu :-D
<cyner> vsadis se? ;)
-!- mode/#czf [-o cyner] by a
<a> jo
Komentář: xchat vs IRC :-)
<Quanti> ...to proste patri k milovani... gumova rukavice, majoneza, hrabe
Komentář: #czf@czfree.net
<a> a: curaku!
<a> a: co je zas?
<a> a: drz hubu
<a> a: ok
<ashram> hlavne ze si rozumite
Komentář: #linux@ircnet.cz
<a> naprogramoval sem bota tak, ze jakmile nekdo rekne sprosty slovo, tak to vyhodi azziho :-D
<a> s vama je hovno prdel ...
<a> hmm. nejak to ovsem nefunguje :-D
-!- a has left #hell
-!- a has joined #hell
-!- mode/#hell [+o a] by TheBug
<Azzie> zmrd
<a> Vsimli ste si neceho?? ten bot mi dava automaticky prava operatora pro kanal. lool to se mi libi
<Azzie> pica
<Azzie> sracka
<Azzie> hovno
<Azzie> kurva
<Azzie> curak
<Azzie> neo
-!- Azzie was booted from #hell by a [a neni sprosty slovo]
Komentář: #hell@neoserver.hell.jspoj.czf
<txc> zrovna jsem rikal, ze urcite vyhraje krovak
<lBox> <cass> kurna... nak mi to blbne - nesmis klikat na [x] vpravo nahore ;O)
<txc> kdyz uz se ten den tak sere
<txc> jako elektrina je bordel.. pocitacum to nevadi.. ty jedou i na baterky, zejo.. ale ja jsem musel srat po tme!!!
<txc> jsem nevidel na knizku
Komentář: vypadky proudu - #czech@efnet
<heilin> locate PLNT ?
<rooten|garf> PLNT searching...
<rooten|garf> /home
<rooten|garf> /pub
<rooten|garf> "PLNT" found at /pub
<Virnik> lol
Komentář: #czf@czfree.net
<iSteve> jinak mam pocit ze lidi na tomhle chanu nedelaj v podstate nic jinyho nez ze chlastaj
<iSteve> nebo hulej
<iSteve> nebo se detachujou, prumerne tak dve hodiny
<heilin> iSteve, vitej v CZF
Komentář: #czf@czfree.net
<hondza> dzoe: proc jsou furt ty netsplity?
* hondza nechape
<dzoe> treba proto, ze je weekend a provideri si cistej kabely u nixovejch spoju?
<dzoe> vyndas kabel, postrikas saponatem
<dzoe> setres hadrem
<dzoe> vemes druhej hadr a prelestis
<dzoe> no :) a jdes domu
<dzoe> a pak za dve hodky si vzpomenes, zes ten kabel zapomnel dat zpatky doportu ...
<hondza> a-ha
Komentář: #penguin.cz@IRCNet