Hlášky hodnocené záporně uživatelem „Turbo“
<a> LOOOOOOOOOL!!! neuveris co se my stalo :D :D :D :D
<b> co?
<a> byl sem ve skole a zeptal sem se peti jestly umi cestinu a in vitahl tahak a rekl my umim :D :D :D :D :D
<b> OMG!!! LOOOOOL! :D :D :D to je lolek :D :D lama
Komentář: takovi vtipky dela kamos porat
<nick> nano je miliontina?
<Darth Slayer> ne
<Darth Slayer> mili = 10^-3
<Darth Slayer> micro = 10^-6
<Darth Slayer> nano = 10^-9
<Darth Slayer> miliardtina
<Darth Slayer> mili, micro, nano, pico, femto, ato
<nick> pico :P :D
Komentář: troska matematiky :D
<a> normalne neuveris co se mi tet stalo
<a> sem sel na hajzl sedl si a nevedel sem jestli chci chcat nebo srat!
<b> :-D
<b> a jak to dopadlo
<a> hele nakonec sem se vychcal
<a> ale mozna se mi chtelo srat
Komentář: nou cement
<a> kokoz neuveris co sa mi stalo :)... isiel som banovat jedneho sraca... lebo do mna picoval husto ze som cheater skurveny, ze jak som mohol cez smoke vidiet... a podobne... tak idem dat ban... natukam si ban na 1 week... a reason dam custom... a do customu napisem "**** cheater skurveny..."... a zrazu ze... you have been banned for 1 week :D
Komentář: Zabanoval sa :-)
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [+b *!Overseer@*.33.16.50] by a|away
<a|away> tyve, proc me ten tvuj bot nema rad?!
<a|away> Virnik: ?
-!- mode/#hell [-ob a|away *!Overseer@*.33.16.50] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
<Virnik> a|away: zmen si nick kurwa
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
<Virnik> dej si ho zpet
-!- mode/#hell [-o a|away] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a|away] by TheBug
-!- a|away is now known as neo1
-!- mode/#hell [-o neo1] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o neo1] by TheBug
-!- neo1 is now known as a
-!- mode/#hell [-o a] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a] by Overseer
-!- mode/#hell [+o a] by TheBug
-!- mode/#hell [-o a] by Overseer
-!- TheBug has quit [Killed (Virnik (die))]
Komentář: Valka botu