Hlášky hodnocené záporně uživatelem „Wimpo“
<cyner> Liskni_si: jak to najdu? :)
<Liskni_si> nijak
<Liskni_si> nenajdes to
<Liskni_si> ses 0
<cyner> sem O? :)
<Liskni_si> ne O
<Liskni_si> 0
<cyner> O?
<Liskni_si> 0
<onovy> cyner: 0
Komentář: #nomi@czfree.net (kdo by nevedel tak 0 je 0 a O je O)
-!- Liskni_si has joined #nomi
<Liskni_si> kontrola smradi
-!- mode/#nomi [+o Liskni_si] od ^|^
-!- Liskni_si has quit [Quit: tududum tum]
-!- Elite has joined #czfree.net
-!- mode/#czfree.net [+o Elite] by duf
<duf> Elite: at z toho zivota taky neco mas =)
-!- Elite has quit [Connection reset by peer]
Komentář: #czfree.net
<Quanti_CA> jo, zitra tady nebudu
<Quanti_CA> hlasim predem
<che> Overseer seemed to be hated too: 3 kicks were received.
<Danny> Quanti_CA: kecaj :]
<Danny> Quanti_CA: jakto?
<Quanti_CA> kdyby to haahodou nekoho zajimao ;)
<Quanti_CA> pze je svatek
<duf> Quanti_CA: ne =)
<Quanti_CA> Canada day
<Danny> prace? :]
<Quanti_CA> skola je zavrena
<Danny> si ji odevri :]
<Quanti_CA> "birthday of Canada"
<Quanti_CA> jo, ja si ji otevru a me zavrou ;)))
Komentář: #czfree.net@czfree.net
<eqx311> jak to vypada s tou frou kde je 11 tytpku nalevo a 11 typku napravo a honej urizlou hlavu nejakeho negra ?
Komentář: #czfree.net@czfree.net
<yanek> ono vubec by chtelo
<yanek> mit pristup na vsechny irc servery
Komentář: #czfree.net@czfree.net
<woody> na seznamu maj odkaz jen buzny
Komentář: #czfree.net@czfree.net
<crestti> age?
<Liskni_si> :D
<crestti> how old you?
<Liskni_si> much
<Liskni_si> :)
<crestti> say?
<crestti> how old you?
<Liskni_si> too much
<crestti> how much?
<crestti> 30?
<Liskni_si> two to the power of four xorred by the most low order bit set in the number 255
<crestti> you have photo?
<Liskni_si> you know how old am i? :)
<crestti> ?
<crestti> how?
<Liskni_si> i told you
<Liskni_si> do you know the number?
<crestti> 255?
Komentář: query nekde v nahode na EFnetu...
-!- blue4 changed the topic of #czfree.net to: dj-bobr chce kloka | blue4 chce kocku (zvire) | Virnik suka che
<blue4> a cica je pryc :[[[
<che> blue4: a nechces radsi krecka? kdyz ho omotas lepici paskou, mas to daleko lepsi nez kocku
-!- mode/#czfree.net [+v-o che che] by blue4
-!- mode/#czfree.net [-v che] by ottova
-!- mode/#czfree.net [-o blue4] by ottova
-!- mode/#czfree.net [+v blue4] by ottova
<blue4> ottova: pico jedna
<ottova> blue4: sprostaku
<blue4> ospf: op
<che> hehe
<blue4> !op
<blue4> 16:43 -ospf(ospf@leeloo.ya.bofh.cz)- You need to be identified!
<Virnik> ha
Komentář: #czfree.net
<pikol> ked som dal rm -rf / tak uz cez puti sa tam neviem dostat
Komentář: #linux.cz@IRCnet