Hlášky hodnocené záporně uživatelem „wraX“
<D-Evil> kua me boli v krku to je hruza :(
<D-Evil> asi malo kourim :)
<rdancer> D-Evil: kolik mas zeber?
<D-Evil> rdancer : vsechny, ja kourim cigara :)
<rdancer> lol
Komentář: #czfree.net@czfree.net
<PAVUK> btw, oni to s tym wi0fi myslia naozaj
<Ped> co je wi0fi?
<woodyH> Ped: s/0/-/
<PAVUK> preklep, debile
Komentář: #7gods@IRCnet
<thement> kdybych mel cecky tak v patek vecer nesedim na #linux.cz s partou vousatejch motorkaru
Komentář: #linux.cz@ircnet
<onovy> vodni chlazeni se dela nevodivou tekutinou :)
<purporte[X]> aha
<purporte[X]> pak to neni vodni chlazeni, kdyz tam neni voda
<purporte[X]> :D
<onovy> taky me to uz napadlo :)
<purporte[X]> njn, nejakej *\%#@$ to pojmenuje vodni chlazeni a clovek si pak mysli, ze to ma pripojovat k vodovodu jak pracku :DD
<onovy> :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
<onovy> lol
<onovy> jak pracku prej :)
Komentář: Vodni chlazeni...
<D-Evil> yanek : chce jeste leia poradit s tim Accessem ?
<yanek> ee
<yanek> uz to sesmolila nejak
<D-Evil> skoda :)
<D-Evil> uz jsem sepsal cenik :)
Komentář: #czfree.net@czfree.net
-!- WilAway changed the topic of #friends.cz to: http://chw.fear.cz/seul.mpeg ... 19.06.2004 - WOODSTAGE Summer Open Air - Germany - NIGHTWISH :)))))))) ten kdo smaze ten topic bude mit 7 let nestesti jako faaaaakt :)
<ailas> WilAway: :oDD
<ailas> ;o]
<WilAway> :)
<joanne> :)
<WilAway> :)
<WilAway> kuk
<ailas> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> :)
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<ailas> WilAway: abusis mamco
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<ailas> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> :)
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<ailas> WilAway: :)) ty uz to nehul
<WilAway> ja??,
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<ailas> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> ty uz taky ne :)
<WilAway> :)))
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> probiha tu velmi zajimava koverzace
<ailas> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<ailas> WilAway: :))
<ailas> jj
<WilAway> :)
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<ailas> souhlasim, desne napinavy
<ailas> jsem zvedavej jak to dopadne
<ailas> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<ailas> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<ailas> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> :)
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<ailas> a uuuuma-a uuuuma-a uuuuma-a uuuuuuma :)
<ailas> a uuuuma-a uuuuma-a uuuuma-a uuuuuuma :)
<ailas> a uuuuma-a uuuuma-a uuuuma-a uuuuuuma
<WilAway> jezis ted je tam zapletka
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<ailas> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<ailas> :))
<ailas> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<ailas> a uuuuma-a uuuuma-a uuuuma-a uuuuuuma
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<ailas> a uuuuma-a uuuuma-a uuuuma-a uuuuuuma
<ailas> a uuuuma-a uuuuma-a uuuuma-a uuuuuuma
<WilAway> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
<ailas> weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee
Komentář: weee-ee-eeee-eee-eeee-eee-eeeee-eee weeee-o-mamawaee na #friends.cz
-!- Hunt3rz is now known as Ponorka
<p3t4n3k> strasidyyylko
* Ponorka nabiji torpedomety 1,2,3 a 4
<smejdula> petudylkooooooooo
<Ponorka> periskop vysunout!
<p3t4n3k> smejdidyyylko
* Ponorka hleda cil...
<p3t4n3k> lara te vysune
<Ponorka> hehe
<DonBruce> lara ti vytahne periskop
* Ponorka ma nabito
<DonBruce> otazkou je kdo se do nej bude divat
* forest` zasahl ponorku hlubinnou minou
* Ponorka se otrasla a pluje dal
<Ponorka> kde je ten smejd?
<Ponorka> zamereno!
* DonBruce is driving u-boat of Kilo
* Ponorka pal!
* DRSON slaps forest` around a bit with large trout (Pan Mori se na tebe zlobi :)
<DonBruce> old USSR type diesel electric
-!- Ponorka is now known as Torpedo
* Torpedo miri na foresta
<Marosik> DRSON
<Torpedo> zzzzzzz
<forest`> heh
* forest` vysunul kridla a odletl
* Torpedo uz je blizko
<Torpedo> forest nestihne uhybnej manevr
* forest` leti
-!- forest` was kicked from #czech by Torpedo [zasah]
<Mawe> a tohle je jako nahrada flasky jo?
-!- Torpedo is now known as Ponorka
* Ponorka se vynoruje a posadka jasa
-!- forest` has joined #Czech
<forest`> au
-!- Ponorka is now known as Hunt3rz
<Hunt3rz> baf na fsechny
Komentář: #czech@EFnet
<darkone> WHO
<woody> noone
<darkone> WHEREIS lamer
<woody> here
<darkone> WHOAMI
<woody> lamer
<darkone> SU haxor
<woody> access denied: you are to lame
<darkone> LOGOUT
Komentář: #lamer.cz@czfree.net
<Danny> US:tyc
<macros> pojdmeee
<macros> kucii
<Danny> CZ:tyc
<macros> pice
<Danny> US:tyc
<macros> yeaah
<Danny> CZ:bzz
<macros> to sou nervy jaxvin
<Dzus> tj napinavy ;
<Danny> US:nedal
<macros> uffuff
<macros> tyc
<macros> husty
<macros> Jagr
<macros> tyc
<macros> no dopice
<Dzus> heeeh
<macros> uffuff
<Danny> amik vedle
<Danny> eek
<Dzus> to neni mozny
<Danny> shiiit
<macros> USA: gol
<Dzus> kuakua
<Danny> a je konec
<macros> :((((((((((
<macros> <>
<ondras> nuda
<blue4> neeee
<Danny> a je vymalovano
Komentář: #czfree.net@anonet, ctvrtfinale
-!- dertyu has joined #czfree.net
<dertyu> Hi, I'm Alessandro Saitta an italian man of 35 y.o. Here it is my web page completely written in italian (if u don't understand it's your fucking business): www.alessandro-saitta.da.ru
-!- dertyu has left #czfree.net [dertyu]
Komentář: #czfree.net@ircnet