Hlášky hodnocené záporně uživatelem „Finer5950“
-!- drak has joined #penguin.cz
<drak> tak uz to jede takova blbost :)
-!- drak has quit [Lost terminal]
Komentář: asi ne uplne idelane :)
<fissie> bojim ;-)
<zviratko> :))
<zviratko> neboj
<zviratko> prinejhorsim zrusis desku
Komentář: no comment
<purporte[X]> Liskni_si: zita bych se stavil pro vybaveni, muzu ? :)
<Liskni_si> no asi jo
<Liskni_si> ale netusim kdy budu doma
<purporte[X]> kolem seste?
<purporte[X]> Liskni_si: taky spis?
<Liskni_si> ah
<Liskni_si> ja zapomel odpovedet
<Liskni_si> teda
<Liskni_si> zapomel jsem tu odpoved napsat :)
<purporte[X]> :)
Komentář: Jeste ze na dulezite veci mame TODO :)
<heilin> jako btw ja si taky obcas zahulim.. ale nad czf zasnu
Komentář: #czf_chat@czfree.net
-!- Elite has joined #czfree.net
-!- mode/#czfree.net [+o Elite] by duf
<duf> Elite: at z toho zivota taky neco mas =)
-!- Elite has quit [Connection reset by peer]
Komentář: #czfree.net
<crestti> age?
<Liskni_si> :D
<crestti> how old you?
<Liskni_si> much
<Liskni_si> :)
<crestti> say?
<crestti> how old you?
<Liskni_si> too much
<crestti> how much?
<crestti> 30?
<Liskni_si> two to the power of four xorred by the most low order bit set in the number 255
<crestti> you have photo?
<Liskni_si> you know how old am i? :)
<crestti> ?
<crestti> how?
<Liskni_si> i told you
<Liskni_si> do you know the number?
<crestti> 255?
Komentář: query nekde v nahode na EFnetu...
<D-Evil> kua me boli v krku to je hruza :(
<D-Evil> asi malo kourim :)
<rdancer> D-Evil: kolik mas zeber?
<D-Evil> rdancer : vsechny, ja kourim cigara :)
<rdancer> lol
Komentář: #czfree.net@czfree.net
-!- Hunt3rz is now known as Ponorka
<p3t4n3k> strasidyyylko
* Ponorka nabiji torpedomety 1,2,3 a 4
<smejdula> petudylkooooooooo
<Ponorka> periskop vysunout!
<p3t4n3k> smejdidyyylko
* Ponorka hleda cil...
<p3t4n3k> lara te vysune
<Ponorka> hehe
<DonBruce> lara ti vytahne periskop
* Ponorka ma nabito
<DonBruce> otazkou je kdo se do nej bude divat
* forest` zasahl ponorku hlubinnou minou
* Ponorka se otrasla a pluje dal
<Ponorka> kde je ten smejd?
<Ponorka> zamereno!
* DonBruce is driving u-boat of Kilo
* Ponorka pal!
* DRSON slaps forest` around a bit with large trout (Pan Mori se na tebe zlobi :)
<DonBruce> old USSR type diesel electric
-!- Ponorka is now known as Torpedo
* Torpedo miri na foresta
<Marosik> DRSON
<Torpedo> zzzzzzz
<forest`> heh
* forest` vysunul kridla a odletl
* Torpedo uz je blizko
<Torpedo> forest nestihne uhybnej manevr
* forest` leti
-!- forest` was kicked from #czech by Torpedo [zasah]
<Mawe> a tohle je jako nahrada flasky jo?
-!- Torpedo is now known as Ponorka
* Ponorka se vynoruje a posadka jasa
-!- forest` has joined #Czech
<forest`> au
-!- Ponorka is now known as Hunt3rz
<Hunt3rz> baf na fsechny
Komentář: #czech@EFnet
<darkone> WHO
<woody> noone
<darkone> WHEREIS lamer
<woody> here
<darkone> WHOAMI
<woody> lamer
<darkone> SU haxor
<woody> access denied: you are to lame
<darkone> LOGOUT
Komentář: #lamer.cz@czfree.net
-!- dertyu has joined #czfree.net
<dertyu> Hi, I'm Alessandro Saitta an italian man of 35 y.o. Here it is my web page completely written in italian (if u don't understand it's your fucking business): www.alessandro-saitta.da.ru
-!- dertyu has left #czfree.net [dertyu]
Komentář: #czfree.net@ircnet